Scotty Mac Basketball Camps raises $3200 for "Let Them Play Fund"

During the 2008 summer, Comox Valley residents and Scotty Mac Basketball Camp participants donated over 200 pairs of shoes to the Smokey Mountain project in the Philippines. These shoes were shipped over by Scotty Mac Basketball Camps and Comox Valley Youth Basketball Association where they were distributed to Smokey Mountain youth during a christmas party at Young Focus. Some of these kids had never owned a pair of shoes before let alone been able to play basketball in them.

In 2009 inspired by WE International founder Ben Compton and his tireless efforts. The Mackinnon Family decided that they were going to have a basketball Shoot-A-Thon during the 2009 edition of the Scotty Mac Basketball Camps. Our goal was to fund and construct a self sufficient basketball court in the very heart of the Smokey Mountain garbage dump community. The court would provide the youth of Smokey Mountain with a positive social outlet, an opportunity to exercise, and the freedom to just be a kid and play, an idea that many of us take for granted. The court would also serve as part of an effort for WE International Philippines (NGO) to encourage and sponsor students from the dumpsite to abandon their daily work as child scavengers in the dump, and enroll in school. Our partnership in this venture includes Professional Filipino basketball players, Brent International School basketball players, and now participants in the Scotty Mac Basketball Camp.

The idea was to send participants who were interested out into the community to collect donations, in return campers would promise to shoot whatever number of shots the Donor requested.

With small aspirations and goals Scotty Mac Basketball Camp presented this fundraiser on the first day of the summer camp.

To our joy, surprise and beyond any of our imaginations we are elated to report that the Scotty Mac Basketball Camps raised $3200 that will be used to fund this basketball court in Smokey Mountain. It will function as a community centre and social outlet for all youth in Smokey Mountain. WE can not express our gratitude to the Comox Valley for their undeniable generosity. WE are deeply touched by your efforts and contributions.

WE International and Scotty Mac Basketball Camps have just received confirmation from the Barangay of Smokey Mountain that construction of the court has been approved and we can start construction within the next month. Updates, pictures and stories will be shared through this blog.

Again thank you so much for your generous work, donations and help. It was much more than WE ever expected and can WE will never be able to express how much it means to these kids.


Scotty Mackinnon

3rd Annual Scotty Mac Basketball Camp

The 3rd Annual Scotty Mac Basketball Camp finished for the summer on July 31st with record temperatures and attendance. A brilliant group of cagers ranging between 6 and 17 years old participated in the annual hoop fest. Campers this year were easily the most entertaining, hard working, and competitive group the coaches have ever seen since the camps inauguration. Held at Aspen Middle School and Mark Isfeld High School campers spent the week battling for numerous prizes, enjoying fun competition and illustrating what a high standard of basketball is being played in the Comox Valley.

Munchkins: 6-9 Year Olds

This year's 6 to 9 year old group was an energetic group of kids to say the least. The camper's learnt the fundamentals of dribbling, passing and shooting. Constantly smiling and enthusiastic, this group of camper’s provided a fresh positivity that was truly appreciated by all of the coaches. Camp veteran Ryan Novecosky defended his “Know the Court” championship with his sneaky control dribble and mad dashes across the gym. First timer Madeleine Maclean following in her eldest brothers footsteps has learned to rebound with reckless abandon. Basketball stalwart and "The Captain” Mattias Smith led the group in the infamous "suicide" basketball sprints that were surprisingly enjoyed by all. “Brave” Olivia Egan-Hache battled against kids two or three years older, she not only held her own but also was named " Sharp Shooter" for the week. After smashing coach Ryan Mackinnon in our free throw ladder and laying his body on the line countless times, "Big Dawg" Thomas Demeo has been contacted by the University of Lethbridge and we are sorry to inform his father that he has committed to being a mighty Pronghorn and not a soft golden bear. “Bouncing” Keegan Bailey and “Electric” Eric Jung ignited onlookers and fans with their array of behind the back, between the legs and no look passes. Defending Bulldawg champion Ben Green grasped a hold of his nickname for a second straight summer by defending his BULLDAWG championship. He followed that up with the comedic award for the week by leaving coaches crying from laughter with his great sense of humor. The sportsmanship showed by Molly Hood-Tanner can be truly admired and is really a pleasure to watch. Needless to say the group of 6-9 year olds were fantastic and left a lasting impression in the Scotty Mac Basketball Camp record books.

Young Bucks: 10-13 Years Old

The largest group of Camper's consisted of the 45 loud, proud and strong 10-13 year olds. Led by the powerhouse Mark Isfeld ladies this group of ballers is destined to become the next generation of Valley greats. In the 10 and 11 year old age group, Maggie Matuda, Jessica Novecosky, Delaynee Peterson, Sarah Hagkull and Emma Ruldolph dominated game play with their endless aggression and brightened the camp with their never ending giggles and smiles. The girls were a perfect example of a great balance between fun and competition. The Xylinas's brothers Anthony and Nicholas used their quickness to control and conquer the champion coach bulldogs in British Bulldog. Following in the footsteps of Canadian great Steve Nash, Brendan Mulgrew impressed with his unselfish passes and timely finger rolls. Stephen Harris masqueraded as Allen Iverson showing off all of his tricks during "What time is it Mr.Wolf". Matthew "Wiesel” Hagkull became beloved at camp for his comedic comments and extra effort. The ultimate hustler, it was not an uncommon sight to see Wiesel sliding viciously across the hardwood. Hyper, Luc McLaughlin’s contagious positivity was a huge asset and kept everyone involved and active. Michael Jung with a year of experience under his belt came out firing on all cylinders. His unique combination of basketball IQ and explosive quickness kept all opponents wondering where he was headed next.

In the 12 and 13-year-old division, Vancouver import and Munro gifted Max Smith used his accurate shot, consistency and poise to become the first ever Free Throw and One on One champion. "BIG" Bryce Olsen is living up to his family name. Battling strong on the boards the entire week, he led his three on three team to the camp championships as well as having having one of the best "RETRO DAY" costumes Scotty Mac Basketball Camps has ever seen. Pesky Jack Oakley annoyed opponents with his manic defense and wildly successful lay-ups. His unselfish passing was a highlight of the camp and much appreciated by all of his teammates. The Mark Islfeld ladies led and mentored by iconic Grant Ashlee have set an extremely high standard. Daughters Michela and Aleah Ashlee are true coaches children. Their intelligent decision-making, great vision and competitive nature bolds well for the Isfeld Ice. Another sibling tandem Hannah and Mackenzie Kirk bring strong play from either wing position. Adopting the International style of play, either can play in the paint or away for the basket. Manning the middle is soft handed Camille "The Wiesel" Bourget. A rebounding monster who has great touch around the basket, she plays her role to perfection and compliments the sister tandems extremely well. Malia "The Animal" Irvine brings her soccer expertise, championship experience (BC Provincial Soccer Champion) and endless hustle to the Isfeld Ice as well. Her contagious smiles, jokes and laughter combined with her tireless work ethic made her an extremely valuable asset to camp. After only playing competitive basketball for 6 months, Danielle VanBurgen has limitless potential. This "GYM RAT" plays basketball constantly and Scotty Mac Basketball Camps is exciting to see how much she progresses in the next few years. Last but certainly not least, little spark plug Avery Snider's fearless attitude, reckless drives to the basket and unbelievable handle allows her to dart in, out and away from defenders. This young point guard will be asked to run the show which I know she will have no problem doing.

Grommets 14-16 Years Old

Ladies Division:

The Ladies division this year at Scotty Mac Basketball Camps was extremely competitive. Ladies from all over the valley fought hard in different drills, activities and competitions. Denman Island products Adelaide Stewart and sisters Shaila "Kaila Jr" and Kaila Walton impressed with their notorious grit, determination and will to win. Silky smooth Emma Balneaves slid and moved her way through any type of full court pressure and had numerous crowd pleasing plays throughout the camp. Kirsten Stewart used her Tim Duncan like fundamental posts moves to constantly bewilder her defenders. Making Highland and glorified water boy Hugh Mackinnon proud were Katie Woznow, Stephanie Henwood and Maria "The Linebacker" their aggressive play, continuous smiles and then more aggressive play will have the raiders in contention at the North Islands. Long and Lanky Julia Eilerts used her endless arms to finish above the competition leading to many easy baskets. Attacking the hoop and defending relentlessly Megan Hedican and Kim Robertson were the class of the camp this year, they are going to form a devastating trio with Scotty Mac coach and Isfeld Athlete of the Year Chelsea Olsen. Big things can be expected from these three and the Ice look like they are going to have a very strong women's program for many years to come.

Men’s Division:

The Men's Division was led in admirable fashion by the fore mentioned Mcginnis and Lewis. But many players had their time to shine as well. The Highland Raiders have quite a talented group of Grade 10 Boys to choose from next year. Hovering the key the entire week was shot blocking phenom Stewart Maclean. His Nic Adair like length and great timing sent shot after shot back to sender. Sharp shooter Ian Betts might be one of the best pure shooters on the Island. With great range and a quick release all week he was a priority for defenders. Mitchell "Short shorts" Rowland blessed all of us with his ridiculously old school short shorts for Retro Day. This brave and shocking display led to him being recognized as the 21st Century's Doctor J. Multi sport athlete Angus Ireland illustrated his tremendous first step by constantly flying to the basket. Coach Larry Street and Vanier has a gem in freshmen Kelvin Beech, he does all the little things necessary for his teams to win and will be something truly special in a few years. Helping him out is Disco Dirk Nowitzki clone Dillion Robson who honestly shot 90% from the field for the week. Big bruising Evan Irvine fought through a knee injury to dominate the paint all week long. His truly remarkable work ethic has been instilled in his little sister and is a privilege to watch. Casey Watamaniuk and Braydon Cochrane used their athletic ability to dominate the two on two tournaments on the younger side of the draw. Casey throwing his body after a loose ball and Braydon's endless jump shots were very common sights. The stars of the future, the infamous crew of brave 13 year olds went against all elements to make the jump to the older division. They were met by the ruthless older boys who did not want to lose to these young studs. They met and passed these challenges with flying colors, Tristen Maclean and Bryce Marinus used their ability to anticipate plays and explosive legs to steal ball after ball. Chris "Fish out of Water" Dodd hit important shot after important shot while spending half the game sprawled, bouncing, sliding and launching his body onto the hardwood, Trenton Cameron has a natural ability to score and does it in bunches and lastly fiery Sam Lewis and his ginger locks remind me of a young John Stockton. His pinpoint passing, crisp crossover, brilliant bounce passes and cerebral plays are a sight to be seen.

Needless to say the 3rd Annual Scotty Mac Basketball Camp was a complete success. A huge thanks to all of the sponsors Thrifty’s Foods, Happys Source for Sports, Coastal Community Credit Union, BodyNetix, Quality Foods, Comox Valley Insurance, Comox Valley Floor Centre, Mary Munro and Comox Valley Youth Basketball Association for their amazing support. We look forward to the 2010 edition of the camp and send an open invitation to anyone who wants to attend. Keep Ballin!!!!!!

The Battle Continues

Colin Cunningham, Mike Morgan,Kerry Westmore, Ben Sansburn, Jordan Mottyl, Ross Mackinnon, Calvin Westbrook, Brandon Ellis, Ryan Mackinnon, Nick Adair and the late great Nate Dasilva just to name a few. Players who wore their respective colors with pride, players who represented their school with passion, players who fought hard in epic endless and timeless battles between the green/white and blue/gold. The Raiders and Towhees since day one of their rivalry have had no love lost. Like UNC/DUKE, OILERS/FLAMES, BIRD/MAGIC anyone competing in this rivalry have realized, comprehended and valued the importance of this match up. When I played for the Raiders there was one game that was always marked on my calender at the beginning of each year, when we faced off against the Towhees.

The present and future of this rivalry are embodied by two players that were present at the Scotty Mac Basketball Camp this summer. Mark McGuiness and Noah Lewis will lead their respective junior teams into this season with one motive in mind, beating their arch rival.

In Mark Mcguiness the Towhees and Legendary Larry Street have something special. In one year, I have never witnessed anyone improve as much as Mark. He grew in all aspects of his game and all aspects of his personality. In the summer of 08, Mark was a streaky shooter. A "Eddie House" of the world, someone who could get hot, hit a few shots but that was the extent of his production. In one year I WITNESSED a turn around of dynamic proportions! Mark walked into Mark Isfeld gym this year and impressed from the word "GO". He had an aura about him that was different, a confidence, a swagger that was not their before. This was truly evident in his play. All week Mark relentlessly attacked the basket, he worked to his maximum potential in every drill no matter how basic it was, he not only led by example but vocally encouraged and instructed the younger campers. In one summer Mark became a player. A player to be reckoned with, a player who was invited to the BC provincial super camp, a player who I believe will be a force to reckon with on the island. Mark combined his tireless shooting regiment with intelligent decision making, a very smooth handle, a deceivenly quick long first step and a combination of classic Larry Street one on one moves. He parlayed this into a CO-MVP award at the Scotty Mac Basketball Camp and a plethora of compliments from current University of Victoria captain Ryan Mackinnon that is rarely rewarded. Scotty Mac Basketball Camps, Larry Street and the Towhees expect Mark to provide the Towhees with a stellar, reliable point/shooting guard for the next few years. And we have no doubt he will be extremely successful.

Having coached Noah Lewis for the better part of a decade now, I remember the curly haired mop top's jump shot as a seven year old. The ball, weighing as much as he did was locked, loaded and heaved from his waist but seemingly always somehow found its way into the basket. Walking out of the Eli Pasquale Basketball Camp with a plethora of Adidas basketball prizes I knew there was something special about this kid. The most inspiring thing about Mr. Lewis is his passion for the game. Simply put, he loves to ball, ball again and then ball some more. The enjoyment that lights up on his face when he has a basketball in his hands is invigorating. Floating around 6'2 Noah's versatility rolled him through all five positions on the court this season. With that practice at hand, he came into the Scotty Mac Camps with a new sense of responsibility, focus, determination and most importantly a quiet confidence. Noah has always had a great demeanor. Soft spoken but with a powerful presence he has acknowledged these skills and has become a very admirable leader. He leads by example but also vocally. This was very evident throughout the Scotty Mac Basketball Camp, without having to be asked Noah took it upon himself to help the younger guys throughout the week . This was greatly appreciated by all coaches. This skill transitioned between all skill levels, ages and kids throughout the camp. The talented Highland Junior Boys Crew listen and respect Noah, and in true Lewis fashion he returns this favor. Noah will always take responsibility for any lost ball, missed shot or mistake that he or his teammates make. Looking at himself first before pointing the finger at someone else. The desire that Noah played with this summer was truly inspiring. Diving for loose balls, checking players 3 inches and 20 pounds heavier. He fought, fought and then fought some more. This is the key to Noah's success, the DESIRE to achieve his potential. He does not rest on his attributes, he strives to improve not only his strengths but his weaknesses. He listens to coaches, receives their constructive criticism and then makes an attempt to apply their suggestions to his game. He is a player that makes all coaches realize why they do this. He is a breath of fresh air in a basketball culture of ego's and superstars. Highland coaches, students, players, teachers, alumni and parents should feel blessed that this kid is leading their squad into battle. I sure do!

Scotty Mac Basketball Camps would like to congratulate CO-MVPS this year, Blue/Gold's Noah Lewis and the Green/White's Mark Mcguiness. Wish them the best of Luck this year!